Strategic Priorities: 2024-25
The Mayor and Council of the Town of Seabrook Island recognize the value of prioritizing its strategic goals and objectives in order to articulate a shared vision for future actions to be taken by Council and to ensure the most efficient and effective use of limited public resources.
On February 13, 2024, the Mayor and Council participated in a strategic planning workshop facilitated by staff from the Municipal Association of South Carolina (MASC). The purpose of this workshop was to identify and rank the town’s strategic priorities for the 2024-25 Town Council term. On March 26, 2023, Seabrook Island Town Council adopted Resolution 2024-05, entitled "A resolution to adopt the Town of Seabrook Island's Strategic Priorities for 2024-25." Below is a summary of the town's strategic priorities for 2024-25: Critical Priorities ("Must Do" Items)
Significant Priorities ("Should Do" Items)
Moderate Priorities ("Could Do" Items)
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