Community Promotion Grants
The Community Promotion Grant program was established by Seabrook Island Town Council in 2021 and is now in its fifth year of operation. For more information about program eligibility, please review the program guidelines below.
PurposeCommunity Promotion Grants may be awarded by the Town of Seabrook Island to eligible organizations to provide financial support for programs, projects, and activities that are designed to benefit the Town of Seabrook Island by promoting and enhancing community wellness, cultural and historical awareness, and economic development within the town; or which improve citizen participation, satisfaction and sense of place among town residents and visitors.
EligibilityCommunity Promotion Grants may be awarded to any organization which:
Religious organizations may be eligible for grant funding, provided the project advances a secular (i.e. non-religions) purpose. Individuals and organizations formally associated with a national, state or local political party or candidate will not be eligible for grant funding. An eligible organization must open its membership to all persons. Pursuant to the South Carolina Solicitation of Charitable Funds Act (S.C. Code of Laws Title 33, Chapter 56), all charitable organizations that solicit contributions or have contributions solicited on their behalf must register with the South Carolina Secretary of State’s Office on an annual basis unless they fall under one of the statutory exemptions. Applicants must provide a copy of their current registration or exemption with their application. Grant AwardsFunds will be awarded in amounts ranging from $250.00 to $2,500.00. The total amount of grant funds available each calendar year will be determined by, and shall not exceed, the amount included for the Community Promotion Grant Program in the annual budget ordinance approved by Town Council. Not all appropriated funds need be expended if qualifying applications are not received. Organizations may apply for more than one grant; provided, however, the total amount awarded to any organization shall not exceed $2,500.00 in any calendar year.
ApplicationOrganizations wishing to apply for a Community Promotion Grant must complete and submit an application form to the Town Clerk during the calendar year for which the grant funds are proposed to be expended.
For the 2025 calendar year, grant applications will be accepted starting March 1, 2025. The first review of applications will take place on March 20, 2025. Subsequent meetings of the Community Promotions and Engagement Committee will take place at 1:00 PM on the third Thursday of each month, unless otherwise advertised. Applications received after the first review will be considered in the order in which they are received. Applications will be accepted until the earlier of October 1, 2025, or upon the commitment of all available grant funds for 2025. ReviewGrant applications will first be reviewed by the town’s Community Promotions and Engagement Committee. The committee shall have the authority to establish rules for reviewing applications, including asking for additional information and/or suggesting changes to the application to ensure it conforms with all grant criteria. A representative from the requesting organization must attend (either in person or virtually) the Community Promotions and Engagement Committee meeting during which the organization’s request will be considered. Failure to attend may result in deferral or a recommendation for denial of the grant request.
Upon reviewing each grant application, the committee shall make a recommendation to the Town Council as to whether the application should be approved (in whole or in part) or denied. The Town Council shall have final authority in approving or denying grant applications. Delivery of Grant FundsOrganizations receiving funding from the Community Promotion Grant program shall submit to the Town Clerk all necessary documentation, including invoices and/or paid receipts, documenting the organization’s commitment or expenditure of awarded grant funds. All disbursement requests will be reviewed and approved by the Town Administrator. Upon approval, a disbursement check will be issued to the organization. Disbursement requests must be received no later than December 15th of the calendar year within which the grant was awarded. Grant funds that are uncommitted or unspent at the end of the calendar year will be returned to the town’s General Fund.
More InformationFor more information about the Community Promotion Grant program, please contact us by phone at (843) 768-9121 or by email at [email protected].
More Information2024 Grant Recipients
2023 Grant Recipients
2022 Grant Recipients
2021 Grant Recipients