Business Licenses
Every person or entity engaged in (or intending to engage in) any calling, business, occupation or profession in whole or in part within the town limits of Seabrook Island is required to obtain an annual business license and pay an annual tax for the privilege of doing business within the town. A “business” is defined as any "calling, occupation, profession or activity engaged in with the object of gain, benefit or advantage, either directly or indirectly."
A license is required for all new businesses (including home occupations, rental properties and non-resident contractors) prior to operating in the Town of Seabrook Island. A new or updated license is also required when there is a change to an existing business's ownership or principal place of business. Businesses operating without a required license may be subject to a fine of up to $500.00 per day. Business License TaxThe annual business license tax is based upon a business's rate classification (Classes 1 through 9.2) as well as its gross income from the previous year. Anticipated income is acceptable for new businesses and contractors; provided, however, a license must be updated if actual income exceeds the amount upon which the license is based.
License Year & RenewalsThe town's business license year runs from May 1st through April 30th. Renewal notices are mailed to all existing businesses on an annual basis.
Business licenses must be renewed by April 30th of each calendar year. Licenses which are not renewed by April 30th will be subject to a late penalty of five percent (5%) per month. Late penalties are in addition to the standard license tax. Rental PropertiesAll owners or agents placing advertisements offering a residential unit in the Town of Seabrook Island for rent or lease shall clearly display the current business license number for that residential unit in the text of such advertisement.
All residential dwellings which are rented or leased (or offered for rent or lease) as an overnight accommodation for periods of less than 30 consecutive days will be required to obtain an annual Short-Term Rental (STR) Permit. Please note that STR Permit applications must be submitted with the Business License application. For STR permitting requirements and application forms, please click here. Contractor DecalsCommercial vehicles are required to display a town business license decal at all times. New decals are issued each year to businesses with a valid town business license. Decals are for identification purposes only and do not provide access behind the Seabrook Island Property Owners Association (SIPOA) security gate.
Contractor Insurance RequirementsEffective November 17, 2020, contractors and subcontractors (Class 8.1 businesses) are no longer required to provide insurance documentation in order to obtain or renew a town business license.
SIPOA Gate AccessA town business license does not grant commercial access behind the Seabrook Island Property Owners Association (SIPOA) private security gate. For information about obtaining a commercial pass, please contact SIPOA by phone at (843) 768-0061 or by email at [email protected].
For more information, please visit SIPOA Commercial Resources. |
More InformationApplication FormsApplications may be e-mailed to: [email protected] 2024-25 Business License Application 2024-25 Rate Class Worksheet Contact |
Business License Renewal Information
The Town is currently processing 2023-24 licenses and will expire on April 30, 2024.
The Town is accepting applications via email to [email protected]. Once the completed 2023-24 Business License Application is reviewed by a member of staff, they will send an invoice electronically via Square.
Renewal notices and application forms for the 2023-24 license year were also mailed in March of 2023.
Renewal applications received after April 30, 2023 (via email, mail, or in person) are subject to a late penalty of 5% per month. This penalty does not apply to a new Business License for a company that has not started any work on Seabrook Island.
Applications for Business License Year 2024-25 will be begin being processed on April 1, 2024. Renewal notices and applications for license year 2024-25 will be mailed mid-March 2024 and the forms will be available online April 1.
The Town is accepting applications via email to [email protected]. Once the completed 2023-24 Business License Application is reviewed by a member of staff, they will send an invoice electronically via Square.
Renewal notices and application forms for the 2023-24 license year were also mailed in March of 2023.
Renewal applications received after April 30, 2023 (via email, mail, or in person) are subject to a late penalty of 5% per month. This penalty does not apply to a new Business License for a company that has not started any work on Seabrook Island.
Applications for Business License Year 2024-25 will be begin being processed on April 1, 2024. Renewal notices and applications for license year 2024-25 will be mailed mid-March 2024 and the forms will be available online April 1.