Variance #181
The Town of Seabrook Island Board of Zoning Appeals will conduct a Public Hearing on Wednesday March 22, 2023 at 1:00PM at Seabrook Island Town Hall (2001 Seabrook Island Road). During the meeting, the board will consider the following request for variance from the Development Standards Ordinance for the Town of Seabrook Island:
Variance #181
- APPLICANT: Malcom Brennan (Applicant), Michael Martin (Owner)
- ADDRESS: 2919 Deer Point Drive
- TAX MAP #: 149-14-00-027
- ZONING DISTRICT: R-SF2 (Moderate Lot Single-Family)
- CODE SECTION: §10.5.A.1, Critical Area Setback
- VARIANCE(S) REQUESTED: 1) A variance from DSO § 10.5.A.1, Critical Area Setback, to allow 444 square feet of proposed open deck to encroach 8’-9’’ into the required 25’ critical area setback. 2) A variance from DSO § 10.5.A.1, Critical Area Setback, to allow 42 square feet of proposed exterior stair to encroach 4’-1’’ into the required 25’ critical area setback. 3) A variance from DSO § 10.5.A.1, Critical Area Setback, to allow 19 square feet of proposed permeable paving to encroach 4’-1’’ into the required 25’ critical area setback.
The meeting will be open to the public. Documents relating to the variance request may be viewed at Town Hall during regular business hours or by clicking here.
Virtual Participation
Individuals who wish to participate in the meeting via Zoom may call (843) 768-9121 or email [email protected] for log-in information prior to the meeting.
Submit a Written Comment
Individuals who wish to submit a comment in advance of the Public Hearing may do so in writing by 12:00 pm on the day prior to the meeting using one of the following options:
- Online: Please use the Online Comment Form below
- Email: [email protected]
- Mail or Hand Deliver: 2001 Seabrook Island Road, Seabrook Island, SC 29455
Watch Live Stream Video
The meeting will be live streamed on the town’s YouTube channel beginning at 1:00PM. Click here for Live Stream.
More Information
Submit an Online CommentThe Board of Zoning Appeals will accept online comments on Variance #181 until 12:00 PM the day prior to the meeting. All comments received through this portal will be forwarded to the Board in advance of the public hearing. Any individual submitting a written comment may also attend and speak at the scheduled public hearing. Comments will not receive a written response, but may be addressed or discussed by the Board during the public hearing. Please note that all comments will become part of the public record and may be subject to release under the requirements of the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act. |
Online Comment FormThe online comment period for Variance #181 is now closed.