September 5, 2019 -- 1:30 pm
Hurricane Dorian is now a category 2 hurricane and arrived about 30 - 40 miles off the Charleston peninsula at 12:30 pm on Thursday, September 5th. Total rainfall is expected to be about 10” with 3” – 4” more rainfall expected before the storm moves on. Tropical storm force winds (up to 73 mph) with the potential for hurricane force gusts (up to 95 mph) will continue in our area until late Thursday night, September 5th, or early Friday morning September 6th. With midday high tide on September 5th, storm surge inundation will be less than previously expected. Power was lost on Seabrook Island early Thursday morning, September 5th, due to power loss from BEC’s power supplier. BEC did not preemptively cut power to Seabrook Island. St Johns Fire District has requested that residents stay off Johns Island roads with downed trees and power lines blocking roads. Early Thursday morning, September 5th, SJFD was responding to clear a downed tree from Seabrook Island Road. Charleston County EMS has advised that its personnel will not respond to calls when sustained winds reach 40 mph. Charleston County has declared condition yellow, meaning high profile vehicles are to stay off those bridges. Charleston County Emergency Management Department and the Town remain at readiness status "Storm Impacts Occurring or Imminent". The State of Emergency declared by the Mayor at the special Town Council meeting held on Tuesday, September 3rd, remains in effect. Town Hall closed at 2:30 pm on Tuesday, September 3rd, and will remain closed until Monday, September 9th. Evacuated residents should not attempt to return to the Island until the Governor has lifted the evacuation order and the Town has confirmed that it is appropriate for residents to do so. The Town has established criteria for resident return which include availability of emergency services and sewer and water services and completion of debris removal from the roads within the Town. The Town does not expect resident return to begin before noon on Saturday, September 7th. For emergency response call 911. For emergency response updates and announcements from the Town of Seabrook Island: Continue to monitor the Town's website (; Call the Town's toll-free number (888-314-3177); Follow the Town's TWITTER feed (; or Follow the Town's FACEBOOK page ( Property Owners with rental guests should forward this notice to their rental guests. The next Town update is expected to be afternoon on Friday, September 6th, but will issue updates earlier as appropriate to the circumstances. |
August 2024