The Town of Seabrook Island is seeking volunteers to support its 2019 Dolphin Education Program. The organizational “kickoff” meeting will be held between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm on Wednesday, May 1, 2019 at SIPOA’s Oyster Catcher Community Center (2241 Oyster Catcher Court). We have invited the Dolphin Program volunteers from Kiawah Island to join us so we can learn from their personal experiences on the other side of the Captain Sams Inlet and meet new friends. Attending this meeting does not commit you, but will give you information on volunteering for the program.
Lauren Rust of the Lowcountry Marine Mammal Network (LMMN) will once again lead the town's program in 2019. During the meeting, Ms. Rust will present the goals and objectives of the program and then lead a walk to the inlet of about 1.3 miles. Individuals who are interested in volunteering in 2019 are encouraged to participate. Bring your sunscreen, binoculars (if you have them) and a camera in case the dolphins are strand feeding on the low tide! This year, we will provide a permanent storage box on site at Captain Sams Inlet to hold supplies, chairs and umbrellas for the volunteers. Participants in the program will be present on the beach each day to monitor and educate, but will not be serving as code enforcement officers (code enforcement is the responsibility of the town's Beach Patrol). So that we can be sure to accommodate everyone, please confirm your attendance to Lauren Rust at [email protected]. If you cannot attend the first meeting, please contact Ms. Rust and she will add your name to the list of volunteers and provide training onsite at the Inlet. We welcome those who have limited availability over the summer and fall. On March 26, 2019, Seabrook Island Town Council adopted Resolution No. 2019-18, the purpose of which was to state Town Council's opposition to Senate Bill 394 ("S. 394"), which is currently pending consideration in the South Carolina Legislature. The purpose of S. 394 is to restrict the authority of local governments to regulate the use of "auxiliary containers," including single-use plastic containers and related items.
In February of 2019, Town Council adopted a list of Strategic Priorities for the upcoming year. One of these priorities included Town Council's desire to "develop and implement an ordinance to ban single-use plastic bags." If S. 394 is enacted into law, the Town of Seabrook Island, along with other coastal communities, would be pre-empted by the state from adopting and enforcing regulations on single-use plastic containers. The Mayor and Council have expressed their "adamant opposition to any legislation pending in the South Carolina General Assembly that would override local jurisdiction and prevent local regulation of plastics contamination." On April 10, 2019, a copy of Resolution No. 2019-18 was sent by Mayor Ron Ciancio to Rep. Peter M. McCoy, Jr. and Sen. George E. Campsen, both of whom represent the Town of Seabrook Island in the South Carolina Legislature. Plastics, especially single-use plastic bags made from forms of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) -- a non-renewable and non-biodegradable petroleum or natural gas by-product -- have proven to be an environmental hazard worldwide, contributing to extensive litter and water pollution that is life-threatening to wildlife, marine species and humans. To date, the following communities in South Carolina have adopted similar regulations on single-use plastic containers and related items:
View Resolution No. 2019-18 View Mayor Ciancio's Letter to Rep. McCoy and Sen. Campsen Comprehensive Plan Drop-In Meeting: Mon. April 15th (2:00-4:00 PM) Seabrook Island Town Hall The town will host a public drop-in meeting at Seabrook Island Town Hall on Monday, April 15th, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM. The purpose of this meeting is to gather public input on proposed amendments to the town’s comprehensive plan as part of a 10-year plan update.
Over the last 8 months, the Seabrook Island Planning Commission has prepared draft updates for all 9 elements contained within the comprehensive plan. The Planning Commission is now in the process of presenting these draft updates for public review and comment prior to formally recommending the draft document to Town Council for review and adoption. During the drop-in meeting, residents and property owners will have an opportunity to review the proposed updates at their own pace, ask questions of town and county staff and submit written comments and suggestions prior to leaving the meeting. Residents may also view the draft document and submit comments electronically by clicking here. For more information about the comprehensive plan update, please contact Joe Cronin, Town Administrator / Zoning Administrator, by phone at (843) 768-9121 or by email at [email protected]. More Information: The Mayor and Council of the Town of Seabrook Island recognize the value of prioritizing its strategic goals and objectives in order to articulate a shared vision for future actions to be taken by Council and to ensure the most efficient and effective use of limited public resources. On March 12, 2019, the Mayor and Council participated in a strategic planning workshop facilitated by a representative of the Municipal Association of South Carolina. The purpose of this workshop was to identify and rank the town’s strategic priorities for 2019-20 On March 26, 2019, Seabrook Island Town Council adopted Resolution 2019-12, entitled "A resolution to adopt the Town of Seabrook Island's Strategic Priorities for 2019-20." Below is a summary of the town's strategic priorities for 2019-20: Must Do Items
Should Do Items
Could Do Items
Other Items
Administration & Finance
Beach Management
Capital Projects
Planning, Zoning & Code Enforcement
Public Engagement
Public Safety
January 2025