Beach Patrol personnel will be on the beach daily between April 1st and September 30th. Below is a breakdown of the times they will be on the beach for the 2024 season:
April 1st – May 23rd: 9:45 AM to 4:15 PM May 24th – August 15th: 8:45 AM to 7:15 PM August 16th – September 30th: 9:45 AM to 4:15 PM For non-life threatening situations or to report a code violation, Beach Patrol may be reached by phone or text at (843) 718-6083. For police, fire or medical emergencies on any of the town's beaches (even when in doubt), DIAL 911. As of October 1, 2022, the town’s “off-peak” season rules pertaining to pets on the beach are now in effect. Pursuant to Section 32-44 of the Town Code, also known as the “Beach Rules for Pets Ordinance,” the beaches of Seabrook Island are divided into three zones. The requirements for each zone during the “off-peak” season are provided below:
Restricted Area (Red)
Limited Restriction Area (Yellow)
General Beach Area (Green)
As a reminder, when an animal is allowed to be off-leash, it must be effectively controlled by a competent person from: (a) entering any area on or adjacent to the beach in which a pet is prohibited; (b) destroying or damaging any property; (c) attacking or threatening to attack any person or any other animal or pet in any manner; or (d) being a nuisance to other beach goers. When a pet is required to be on a leash, it must be restrained using a physical restraint made of cord, rope, strap, chain or other material effective for restraining the type and size of animal to which it is attached. In addition, the physical restraint must be no more than sixteen (16) feet in length, secured to the animal’s collar or harness, and continuously held by a competent person physically capable of restraining the animal. Animals under voice control, or under control of remotely operated devices (such as electronic collars), are considered to be “off leash.” The beaches of Seabrook Island are actively patrolled by town code enforcement officers during the off-peak season. Individuals who are found guilty of violating any ordinance of the town may be subject to fines up to $1,087.50 per offense (including court fees) upon conviction. To report a violation, please contact Town Hall at (843) 768-9121. The town’s “off-peak” season rules will remain in effect until March 31, 2023. As of April 1, 2022, the town’s “peak” season rules pertaining to pets on the beach are now in effect. Pursuant to Section 32-44 of the Town Code, also known “Beach Rules for Pets Ordinance,” the beaches of Seabrook Island are divided into three zones. The requirements for each zone during the “off-peak” season are provided below:
Restricted Area (Red)
Limited Restriction Area (Yellow)
General Beach Area (Green)
As a reminder, when an animal is allowed to be off-leash, it must be effectively controlled by a competent person from: (a) entering any area on or adjacent to the beach in which a pet is prohibited; (b) destroying or damaging any property; (c) attacking or threatening to attack any person or any other animal or pet in any manner; or (d) being a nuisance to other beach goers. When a pet is required to be on a leash, it must be restrained using a physical restraint made of cord, rope, strap, chain or other material effective for restraining the type and size of animal to which it is attached. In addition, the physical restraint must be no more than sixteen (16) feet in length, secured to the animal’s collar or harness, and continuously held by a competent person physically capable of restraining the animal. Animals under voice control, or under control of remotely operated devices (such as electronic collars), are considered to be “off leash.” The beaches of Seabrook Island are actively patrolled by code enforcement officers employed by the town, as well as by designated personnel from the Seabrook Island Beach Patrol. Individuals who are found guilty of violating any ordinance of the town may be subject to fines up to $1,087.50 per offense (including court fees) upon conviction. To report a violation, please contact the town's Beach Patrol by phone at (843) 718-6083. The town’s “peak” season rules will remain in effect until September 30, 2022. |
February 2025