On Tuesday, October 15, 2024, the Mayor and Council of the Town of Seabrook Island held a public hearing on four proposed ordinances related to Short-Term Rental Units within the town. A video from the public hearing may be accessed below. Town Council will give first reading consideration to all four ordinances during a Special Called meeting on Mon. October 28, 2024, at 9:30 AM. The meeting will take place at Kiawah Island Town Hall (4475 Betsy Kerrison Parkway) and will be open to the public. Copies of each of the four ordinances may be viewed below. Ordinance 2024-06: An ordinance amending the Development Standards Ordinance for the Town of Seabrook Island, South Carolina; Article 2, General Provisions; Section 2.1, General Compliance; so as to repeal subsection (e) pertaining to the placement and storage of trash, litter, and junk on premises within the town; Article 8; Seabrook Island Road Overlay District; so as to rename the title of the article to “Overlay Districts” and to incorporate provisions related to the establishment of a Short-Term Rental Overlay District; Article 9, Conditional Use Requirements; Section 9.4, Specific Use Requirements; Subsection O, Short-Term Rental; so as to amend the conditional use requirements for short-term rental units operating within the Town; Article 12; Parking and Loading; Section 12.4, Design Requirements; Subsection B, Parking Construction and Development; Paragraph 7, Lighting; so as to amend the reference to the correct subsection; and Appendix E, Fee Schedule; so as to update the schedule of fees to reflect changes relating to permitting requirements and procedures for short-term rental units within the town
Ordinance 2024-07: An ordinance amending the Official Zoning District Map of the Town of Seabrook Island to reflect the location of the Short-Term Rental Overlay District
Ordinance 2024-08: An ordinance amending the Town Code for the Town of Seabrook Island; Chapter 8, Businesses and Business Regulations; Article I, Business License; Section 8-21, Classification and Rates; so as to amend the rates for class 9.2 businesses (Short-Term Rental Units) for the License Year beginning May 1, 2025
Ordinance 2024-09: An ordinance amending the Town Code for the Town of Seabrook Island, South Carolina; Chapter 18, Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions; so as to establish regulations pertaining to trash, litter and debris; illegal dumping; the parking of vehicles and equipment; the operation of small unmanned aircraft; and other matters related thereto During a special called meeting on January 4, 2024, Seabrook Island Town Council voted to establish three (3) new special committees:
Each special committee will have a minimum of five (5) and a maximum of nine (9) members and will meet on such dates and times as are scheduled by the chair or a majority of the committee’s membership. All meetings will be held at Seabrook Island Town Hall, unless otherwise advertised, and will be open to the public. Interested in Serving?
Individuals who are interested in serving on a special committee (or any other town board, commission or committee) are encouraged to complete an online Volunteer Application Form as soon as possible. Town Council is scheduled to make committee appointments during its next regular meeting on Tues. January 23rd, so preference will be given to applications which are received by 12:00 pm on Friday, January 19th. For more information, please contact Town Hall by phone at (843) 768-9121 or by email at [email protected]. |
February 2025