Earlier this week, we posted notice of a temporary closure of the Seabrook Island Road bike path due to the installation of drainage improvements at the entrance to Seafields. The town received word from the developer this afternoon that the work has been placed on hold due to a conflict with an underground utility line. Therefore, the path will remain open to bike and pedestrian traffic for the remainder of this week.
At this time, it is expected that the work affecting the pathway will commence next week, and the path will be closed to traffic at that time. We will post additional information on our website (www.townofseabrookisland.org) and on Tidelines (www.tidelinesblog.com) once the dates are confirmed. For more information, please contact Seabrook Island Town Hall at (843) 768-9121. PUBLIC NOTICE A portion of the Seabrook Island Road bike path will be CLOSED to traffic beginning on Tues. August 9th for the installation of drainage improvements near the entrance to the Seafields development. The pathway will be closed between Andell Bluff Boulevard (entrance to Bohicket Marina) and Freshfields Village for the remainder of the week. For your safety and the safety of those working in the area, bicyclists and pedestrians are reminded to obey all signage and to avoid riding or walking around barricades while the pathway is closed.
The remainder of the pathway between Town Hall and Andell Bluff Boulevard (including both crosswalks) will remain open to bike and pedestrian traffic. For more information, please contact Seabrook Island Town Hall at (843) 768-9121. A portion of the Seabrook Island Road bike path will be CLOSED to traffic on Thu. June 9th for the completion of asphalt repairs. The repairs were scheduled to be completed on Wed. June 8th, but were delayed due to heavy rain in the area.
The pathway will be closed between Andell Bluff Boulevard (entrance to Bohicket Marina) and Freshfields Village and will reopen as soon as the repairs are completed. For your safety, bicyclists and pedestrians are reminded to obey all signage and to avoid riding or walking around barricades while the pathway is closed. The remainder of the pathway between Town Hall and Andell Bluff Boulevard (including both crosswalks) will remain open to bike and pedestrian traffic. For more information, please contact Seabrook Island Town Hall at (843) 768-9121. A portion of the Seabrook Island Road bike path will be CLOSED to traffic on Wed. June 8th for asphalt repairs. The pathway will be closed between Andell Bluff Boulevard (entrance to Bohicket Marina) and Freshfields Village for approximately half of the day and will reopen as soon as the repairs are completed. For your safety, bicyclists and pedestrians are reminded to obey all signage and to avoid riding or walking around barricades while the pathway is closed.
The remainder of the pathway between Town Hall and Andell Bluff Boulevard (including both crosswalks) will remain open to bike and pedestrian traffic. For more information, please contact Seabrook Island Town Hall at (843) 768-9121. PUBLIC NOTICE A portion of the eastbound (outbound) lane of Seabrook Island Road will be temporarily closed from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm on Fri. November 12th, due to the presence of water pumping equipment. During these times, Seabrook Island Road will be reduced to a single lane with alternating traffic. Beginning Sunday, November 14th, a portion of the eastbound (outbound) lane of Seabrook Island Road will be closed due to construction of a new turn lane into the future Seafields senior living community. This phase of construction is expected to be completed by Thursday, November 18th (weather permitting). Construction activities between November 14th-18th will take place during the evening and overnight hours (8:00 PM to 6:00 AM). During these times, Seabrook Island Road will be reduced to a single lane with alternating traffic.
Motorists are encouraged to allow additional time if traveling to and from Seabrook Island while workers are present. Drivers should also be prepared to stop when instructed by flaggers. To report an issue while workers are present, please contact Town Hall at by phone at (843) 768-5321 or by email at [email protected]. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN CONSTRUCTION PLAN
PUBLIC NOTICE On Wednesday, October 20th, a portion of the eastbound (outbound) lane of Seabrook Island Road will be closed due to tree trimming. A tree contractor will be working in the right-of-way to limb up several trees prior to construction of a new left-turn lane into the future Seafields senior living community. Set up will commence between 7:30 am and 9:00 am on Wednesday, and the trimming work will take place between the hours of 9:00 am and 6:00 pm. During these times, Seabrook Island Road will be reduced to a single lane with alternating traffic. It is anticipated that the trimming work will be completed in a single day.
On Thursday, October 21st, and Friday, October 22nd, the tree contractor will be back to remove five trees at the entrance to the future Seafields project. At this time, it is anticipated that the tree contractor will be able to access and remove these trees from the bike pathway; however, it is possible that the outbound lane of Seabrook Island Road may be temporarily closed on Thursday and/or Friday if deemed necessary for public safety. Pedestrians and bicyclists are advised that portions of the bike pathway may be temporarily closed or restricted on Thursday and Friday. It is anticipated that the tree removal work will be completed by the end of the day on Friday. Unlike the previous lane closure, which took place on September 30th and impacted the entire length of Seabrook Island Road, this closure will be confined to a single area between Andell Bluff Boulevard (Marina entrance) and the traffic circle (See diagram below). Motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists are encouraged to allow additional time if traveling to and from Seabrook Island between Wednesday and Friday. Drivers should also be prepared to stop when instructed by flaggers. To report an issue while workers are present, please contact Town Hall at by phone at (843) 768-9121 or by email at [email protected]. PUBLIC NOTICE On Thursday, September 30th, the town's engineering contractor, ESP Associates, will be conducting subsurface exploration and pavement evaluation services on parts of Seabrook Island Road. The work will commence at approximately 8:00 am and will take place over the course of the day on Thursday.
Testing will be conducted at 12 locations along Seabrook Island Road, with each location spaced roughly 500 feet apart. The work will begin outside the SIPOA Security Gate and will progress toward the traffic circle near Freshfields. While crews are performing survey work, portions of the eastbound lane of Seabrook Island may be temporarily closed to traffic. Motorists are encouraged to allow additional time if traveling to and from Seabrook Island on Thursday. Drivers should be prepared to stop when instructed by flaggers. The survey work is not expected to impact the inbound or outbound pathways adjacent to Seabrook Island Road. This work is being undertaken as part of the town's road and drainage evaluation project, and is not related to the new Seafields senior living project. On Fri. December 18th, the town's paving contractor, Superior Blacktop Services, will be present on Seabrook Island Road to mill and repave the crosswalks in front of Town Hall and near the entrance to Bohicket Marina. The work is scheduled to begin at 8:00 am and will continue throughout the day.
At times, sections of Seabrook Island Road will be reduced to a single lane with alternating traffic. Motorists and pedestrians may experience minor delays while work is taking place. Please use caution when traveling on Seabrook Island Road when workers are present. The the bike path along Seabrook Island Road was re-opened to traffic on Wednesday, April 1st. The crosswalk located across the street from the entrance to Bohicket Marina will remain closed for a few more days pending concrete repairs; however, pedestrians and cyclists may once again use the entire length of the pathway between Town Hall and Freshfields… provided you maintain proper social distancing, of course!
On January 15th, Mayor John Gregg authorized the Town Administrator to solicit bids from at least three paving contractors for the purpose of repairing sections of the town’s bike path along Seabrook Island Road. In the interest of public safety, and in an effort to reduce the turnaround time for making these repairs, the Mayor authorized these services to be procured following an expedited procurement procedure in accordance with the Town Code.
On February 5th, while walking between Town Hall and Freshfields Village, an individual was reported to have tripped and fallen on a section of the pathway that had been damaged by a tree root. That individual was taken by EMS responders to a hospital. In light of this incident and to minimize the risk of injury to bicyclists and pedestrians, the town made the decision to close the pathway between Town Hall and Freshfields Village. The pathway was closed to traffic on February 6th and has remained closed since that time, pending repairs. On February 11th, the town awarded a contract for the demolition and repaving of damaged sections of the pathway. The town has also authorized its landscape contractor to undertake pruning of tree roots that are affecting the pavement where the repairs will be made. Repair work on the pathway is expected to begin on Tuesday, February 18th. The contractor estimates that the repairs will take approximately 3 weeks to complete; however, this timeline will be highly dependent upon weather conditions. The pathway may be re-opened in sections as conditions allow. Access points along the pathway have been barricaded at Town Hall, across from Andell Bluff Boulevard and at Freshfields Village. For your safety and the safety of our contractors, DO NOT WALK OR RIDE AROUND THE BARRICADES. During the construction process, motorists on Seabrook Island Road may encounter cyclists riding in the road right-of-way. Motorists and cyclists are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the state of South Carolina’s bicycle laws, and to always use caution when using Seabrook Island Road. Additional rules and safety tips may be found on the Palmetto Cycling Coalition’s website. For more information, please contact Seabrook Island Town Hall at (843) 768-9121. |
September 2024