As hurricane season approaches, the South Carolina Emergency Management Division has announced new hurricane evacuation zones aimed at helping community preparedness and safety during hurricanes.
The updated evacuation zones have been designed to better reflect the evolving landscape of potential hazards and population distribution across the region. These zones take into account factors such as storm surge risk, flood susceptibility, and evacuation routes to ensure more accurate and effective evacuation orders. The new hurricane evacuation zones include:
The unveiling of the new hurricane evacuation zones represents a proactive measure by the South Carolina Emergency Management Division to prioritize public safety and mitigate the potential impact of severe weather events. By staying informed, vigilant, and prepared, residents can play a pivotal role in safeguarding themselves and their communities during times of crisis. Hurricane season begins June 1 and lasts through November 30. Visit for more information on the new hurricane evacuation zones and preparedness resources. Additional Resources: After this weekend's storm, Seabrook Island has seen some damage to some structures and landscape. Along with this damage, there were several vehicles also impacted from the storm.
A quick assessment by the town noted there were some downed limbs from the wind and quite a bit of vegetative debris from the flood waters. Several vehicles were stuck in the flood water and were rescued by SJFD and some inoperable vehicles were seen scattered throughout the island in areas which sustained heavy flooding. The Town Hall has not sustained any structural damage, however several Christmas decorations sustained some damaged. After assessing the beach areas, there is extensive erosion, with the worst being located between Boardwalks 2 and 3. During the review of the beach, it was noted that several private boardwalks and walkovers have been damaged or destroyed. There is a bit of damage near the beach club, particularly the terrace area. Because of extensive damage across the area, Charleston County has set up a damage report survey where citizens can provide information on the extent of damage to their dwellings. For anyone that has any damage please go to the County survey listed below. The county has set up a Citizen Damage Report Form for residents to report damage from the storm. Governor Henry McMaster has proclaimed that South Carolina Winter Weather Preparedness Week for 2023 will be observed from November 26 through December 2, 2023.
The South Carolina Emergency Management Division, the National Weather Service and the agencies comprising the State Emergency Response Team encourage everyone in South Carolina to prepare for severe winter weather by checking supplies and safety plans. Snowfall, ice storms and extreme cold can immobilize an entire region. Even areas that normally experience mild winters can be hit with an ice storm or extreme cold. Winter storms can cause a range of hazards, including closed highways, blocked roads, black ice, downed trees and power lines, hypothermia, and possible flooding in coastal and inland areas. Residents should take the proper winter weather precautions now during milder temperatures while winter emergency supplies are in low demand:
Download the SC Emergency Manager mobile app and Severe Winter Weather Guide The SC Emergency Manager app is designed for users to create their own emergency plans, manage their supplies, and stay connected to loved ones. With the app, users can easily locate the nearest open emergency shelter. The tools section features a flashlight, locator whistle and the ability to report damage to emergency officials. The app is available for free in the Apple App Store and on Google Play for Android ( Developed by SCEMD and partner agencies specifically for South Carolina, the Severe Winter Weather guide contains tips on what to do before, during and after a major winter storm. It includes check lists, information on how to get the current status of government offices and more. The S.C. Severe Winter Weather Guide is available for download at After a two-year hiatus due to COVID, Disaster Awareness Day will return with an in-person event on Friday, June 17, 2022, at the Turtle Point Clubhouse (1 Turtle Point Lane, Kiawah Island). The event will run from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and will be followed by a complimentary lunch. The event is jointly hosted by the Towns of Seabrook Island and Kiawah Island. This program will focus on hurricane preparedness covering Storm Preparation, Emergency Communications, and Evacuation. Valuable prizes will be raffled off throughout the event. A complimentary lunch will follow the presentations. No RSVP is required. The Town of Kiawah Island will collaborate with KICA to allow Seabrook residents to pass the gate and attend the event. 2022 Disaster Awareness Day AGENDA
June 1st marks the start of the 2020 Atlantic Hurricane Season. While this year's Disaster Awareness Day with the Town of Kiawah Island has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, now would be a great time to review SCEMD's 2020 Hurricane Guide and make sure you and your family (or business) are ready!
Helpful Links May 15, 2020 -- 9:00 pm
Rental Restrictions Expire at Midnight on Saturday On April 1, 2020, Seabrook Island Town Council adopted Emergency Ordinance No. 2020-01, which prohibited new check-ins and reservations for short-term rental units through April 30th. The ordinance was subsequently amended by Town Council to extend these restrictions until 11:59 pm on Friday, May 15th. The temporary prohibition on short-term rentals will expire at midnight on Saturday, and rental guests will once again be permitted on Seabrook Island. As rental guests begin returning to the island, it is important for everyone – residents, property owners and visitors – to remain aware of the risks posed by COVID-19. While the growth rate of new cases across the state has leveled off, the actual number of new cases continues to grow on a daily basis. Whether at the beach, the grocery store, the golf course or a local restaurant, residents and visitors should continue to protect themselves – and each other – by adhering to all recommendations from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. (See below for more information) In order to protect the health and safety of property owners and their rental guests, owners and managers of short-term rental units within the town are strongly advised to implement enhanced cleaning and disinfection protocols, such as those recommended by the Vacation Rental Management Association (VRMA) and Vacation Rental Housekeeping Professionals (VRHP): Cleaning Guidelines for COVID-19. Seabrook Island Town Hall to Reopen on Monday Seabrook Island Town Hall will reopen to the public beginning at 8:00 am on Monday, May 18th. At this time, public access to the building will be limited to the lobby only. To maintain social distancing, no more than two customers will be allowed inside at any point in time. Town staff will implement enhanced cleaning practices; however, visitors are encouraged to wear masks and gloves for their own protection. The restrooms at Town Hall will be temporarily closed to the public. All public meetings – including Town Council, board, commission and committee meetings – will continue to be held “virtually” for the foreseeable future. The town encourages residents, property owners, business owners and contractors to continue using “virtual services” to the greatest extent possible. For assistance during normal operating hours (Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm), please contact us by phone at (843) 768-9121 or by email at [email protected]. For your convenience, the town has also located a drop box on the front porch at Town Hall. Status of Beaches and Pools The beaches of Seabrook Island remain open for recreational activities. When visiting the beach, beachgoers are reminded that groups of more than 10 individuals are prohibited at all times. This requirement applies to ALL groups, including members of the same family or household. All individuals, regardless of whether visiting the beach alone or in a group, should practice social distancing by maintaining a minimum separation of 6 feet from others. The town’s beach patrol and code enforcement officers are authorized to enforce these requirements and may order the dispersal of large groups. Violators are also subject to fines of up to $500.00 per day (plus state assessments and surcharges) upon conviction. All public pools on the island, including those at the Beach Club, the Community Center and the Lake House, are currently closed. On Monday, May 11th, Governor Henry McMaster announced that public and commercial pools will be able to reopen in a limited capacity beginning on Monday, May 18th. Earlier this week, the state released its Interim Guidelines for the Re-opening Public Swimming Pools. Under these guidelines, facilities should allow no more than 20% of normal occupancy or 5 people per 1,000 square feet of pool and deck area, whichever is less. All pools on the island are privately owned and managed by the Seabrook Island Club, Seabrook Island Property Owners Association and individual associations and regimes. All decisions on whether, when and how these pools will be reopened will be at the discretion of each pool owner. Protect Yourself and Others To minimize the risk of exposure and to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the CDC recommends that individuals take the following precautions:
More Information For general questions about COVID-19, please contact the SCDHEC Care Line at (855) 472-3432. Staff will be available to answer calls from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm seven days a week. For the most reliable information about COVID-19, including what to do if you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms, residents are strongly encouraged to visit official resources, including the SCDHEC and CDC websites. Official updates from the Town of Seabrook Island will continue to be posted on the following channels:
Property owners and managers with rental guests should forward this information to their rental guests. May 4, 2020 -- 9:00 pm
Governor Modifies “Home-or-Work” Order, Rescinds Certain Travel Restrictions and Authorizes Outdoor Dining at Restaurants Over the past few days, Governor Henry McMaster has rescinded or modified several statewide orders which were implemented in an effort to contain the spread of the Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). Provisions related to mandatory isolation/self-quarantine rescinded: On May 1, 2020, Governor McMaster issued Executive Order No. 2020-30. Executive Order No. 2020-30 rescinded an earlier order that required individuals entering the State of South Carolina from an area with substantial community spread of COVID-19 (including the states of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, and the City of New Orleans) to isolate or self-quarantine for a period of 14 days from the time of entry into the State of South Carolina or the duration of the individual’s presence in South Carolina, whichever period was shorter. Lodging and travel restrictions rescinded: The Governor’s Executive Order No. 2020-30 also repealed an earlier order which prohibited individuals, entities, or establishments engaged in the provision of short-term rentals, vacation rentals, or other lodging accommodations or operations in exchange for consideration in the State of South Carolina from making or accepting new reservations or bookings from or for individuals residing in or travelling from any area subject to or identified in a CDC travel advisory or other CDC notice as a location with extensive community transmission of COVID-19. ALL new reservations and check-ins remain prohibited through May 15th pursuant to the town's Emergency Ordinance No. 2020-01 (see below for more info). “Home-or-Work” order modified: On May 4th, Governor McMaster issued Executive Order No. 2020-31, which modified the requirements of his previous statewide “Home-or-Work” order. The “Home-or-Work” order limited activities outside the home to only those that were deemed “essential business” or “essential activities.” As a result of Executive Order No. 2020-31, these requirements are now voluntary rather than mandatory. The Governor’s order further states: “I hereby urge any and all residents and visitors of the State of South Carolina to limit social interaction, practice ‘social distancing’ in accordance with CDC guidance, and take every possible precaution to avoid potential exposure to, and to slow the spread of, COVID-19, and further encourage residents and visitors of the State of South Carolina to limit their movements outside of their home, place of residence, or current place of abode… except as specified by this Order, for purposes of engaging in Essential Business, Essential Activities, or Critical Infrastructure Operations…” Outdoor dining services now allowed. The Governor’s Executive Order No. 2020-31 also authorized restaurants to provide outdoor dining services to customers, effective Monday, May 4th. While indoor dining remains prohibited, restaurants may now serve customers by take-out, delivery and drive-through, as well as outdoor dining options. Restaurants that elect to provide outdoor customer dining services should consider and incorporate industry guidelines regarding outdoor seating, such as those prepared and published by the South Carolina Restaurant and Lodging Association (SCRLA), in addition to undertaking and implementing all reasonable steps to comply with any applicable sanitation guidelines promulgated by the CDC, SCDHEC, or any other state or federal public health officials Despite the relaxing of these and other statewide restrictions, residents and property owners should remain vigilant as the number of confirmed cases continues to rise. As of May 4th, there have been more than 6,700 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the State of South Carolina, and more than 280 deaths. To protect yourself and your family, the town recommends continued adherence to CDC recommendations, including hand hygiene, social distancing, avoiding unnecessary travel, limiting contact with the sick and elderly, and wearing a face covering or mask public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. More Information: Executive Order No. 2020-30 | Executive Order No 2020-31 | Guidance on Temporary Outdoor Seating for Restaurants (SCRLA) Short-Term Rental Restrictions Remain in Effect until May 15th The town’s temporary restrictions on short-term rental units remain in effect until May 15th. As a reminder:
The short-term rental restrictions do not apply to rental agreements of more than 28 days, or to members of the property owner's immediate family, including a parent, sibling, child, spouse, grandparent or grandchild. All rental properties operating within the town are required to have a valid town business license. The town’s code enforcement officers are actively working to identify, investigate and enforce alleged violations of the town’s ordinances. Violations of a town ordinance can carry fines of up to $500.00 per day (plus state assessments and surcharges). Individuals who are found guilty of violating a town ordinance may also be subject to a suspension or revocation of their business license. To report a possible violation, please call (843) 768-9121 or email [email protected]. Seabrook Island Town Hall Closed As a reminder, Town Hall remains closed and members of town staff are working remotely to provide “virtual services” to residents and business owners. For assistance during normal operating hours (Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm), please contact us by phone at (843) 768-9121 or by email at [email protected]. The town’s Code Enforcement Officers and Beach Patrol will remain active on the island as long as it is safe for them to do so. Protect Yourself and Others To minimize the risk of exposure and to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the CDC recommends that individuals take the following precautions:
More Information For general questions about COVID-19, please contact the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) Care Line at (855) 472-3432. Staff will be available to answer calls from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm seven days a week. For the most reliable information about COVID-19, including what to do if you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms, residents are strongly encouraged to visit official resources, including the SCDHEC and CDC websites. Official updates from the Town of Seabrook Island will continue to be posted on the following channels:
May 1, 2020 -- 3:00 pm
Charleston County to Open COVID-19 Mobile Screening and Testing Sites The Charleston County Public Safety Directorate, including EMS and Emergency Management, is partnering with Fetter Heath Care Network (FHCN) to offer mobile COVID-19 screening and testing sites. The mobile site will be in different communities across Charleston County beginning May 4, 2020. Screening and testing will be conducted Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Each site will include walk-up and drive-thru stations. Mobile Testing Dates and Locations:
Individuals experiencing cough, fever and shortness of breath can request a screening at or by calling 1-800-365-7410 to connect with a FHCN provider who will determine the need for testing. Citizens are asked to wear face coverings and practice safe social distancing while at the mobile testing site. Currently, all insurance providers in South Carolina are covering the cost of COVID-19 testing. Patient insurance information will be processed in order to complete testing. No co-pays or deductibles are being charged. All patients will be served regardless of their ability to pay. Short-Term Rental Restrictions Remain in Effect until May 15th The town’s temporary restrictions on short-term rental units remain in effect until May 15th. As a reminder:
The short-term rental restrictions do not apply to rental agreements of more than 28 days (90 days for residents of New York, New Jersey or Connecticut), or to members of the property owner's immediate family, including a parent, sibling, child, spouse, grandparent or grandchild. In addition to the temporary restrictions on advertising and new check-ins for short-term rental units, all rental properties operating within the town are required to have a valid town business license. The town’s code enforcement officers are actively working to identify, investigate and enforce alleged violations of the town’s ordinances. Violations of a town ordinance can carry fines of up to $500.00 per day (plus state assessments and surcharges). Individuals who are found guilty of violating a town ordinance may also be subject to a suspension or revocation of their business license. To report a possible violation, please call (843) 768-9121 or email [email protected]. Social Distancing on the Beach The beaches of Seabrook Island remain open for recreational activities. When visiting the beach, residents and their guests are reminded that groups of more than 10 individuals are prohibited by ordinance from congregating outside the home. This requirement applies to ALL groups, including members of the same family or household. All individuals, regardless of whether visiting the beach alone or in a group, should practice “social distancing” by maintaining a minimum separation of 6 feet from others. The town’s beach patrol and code enforcement officers are authorized to enforce these requirements and may order the dispersal of large groups. Violators are also subject to fines of up to $500.00 per day (plus state assessments and surcharges) upon conviction. Seabrook Island Town Hall Closed As a reminder, Town Hall remains closed and members of town staff are working remotely to provide “virtual services” to residents and business owners. For assistance during normal operating hours (Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm), please contact us by phone at (843) 768-9121 or by email at [email protected]. The town’s Code Enforcement Officers and Beach Patrol will remain active on the island as long as it is safe for them to do so. All public meetings have been cancelled through April 30th, with the exception of emergency meetings. Protect Yourself and Others To minimize the risk of exposure and to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the CDC recommends that individuals take the following precautions:
More Information For general questions about COVID-19, please contact the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) Care Line at (855) 472-3432. Staff will be available to answer calls from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm seven days a week. For the most reliable information about COVID-19, including what to do if you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms, residents are strongly encouraged to visit official resources, including the SCDHEC and CDC websites. Official updates from the Town of Seabrook Island will continue to be posted on the following channels:
April 22, 2020 -- 8:30 pm Town Council Amends Emergency Ordinance No. 2020-01 On April 22, 2020, Seabrook Island Town Council held a meeting to consider amendments to Emergency Ordinance No. 2020-01, which was previously adopted on April 1st. In addition to several “housekeeping” items which were intended to bring the town’s ordinance into conformity with recent orders from the Governor of South Carolina, Town Council approved several amendments to the town’s current restrictions on short-term rental units. Effective immediately:
The restrictions listed above apply to any dwelling unit or property that is rented, or offered for rent, to any individual or group of individuals, for temporary occupancy for a period not to exceed 28 days. As a reminder, the Governor’s Executive Order No. 2020-19 prohibits the rental of a short-term rental unit to any individual from the states of New York, New Jersey or Connecticut for a term of less than 90 days. The short-term rental restrictions do not apply to members of the property owner's immediate family, including a parent, sibling, child, spouse, grandparent or grandchild. More Information: View Emergency Ordinance No. 2020-01 (Amended) | View Town Council Meeting Video (YouTube) Short-Term Rental Violations In addition to the emergency restrictions on advertising and new check-ins, all rental properties operating within the town are required to have a valid town business license for 2020. The town’s code enforcement officers are actively working to identify, investigate and enforce alleged violations of the town’s ordinances. To date, the town has issued 8 ordinance summons for alleged violations. An additional 14 summons are currently pending issuance, and nearly a dozen potential violations are currently under investigation. Violations of a town ordinance can carry fines of up to $500.00 per day (plus state assessments and surcharges). Individuals who are found guilty of violating a town ordinance may also be subject to a suspension or revocation of their business license. To report a possible violation, please contact us by phone at (843) 768-9121 or by email at [email protected]. Governor McMaster Relaxes Restrictions on Retail Stores On April 20th, Governor Henry McMaster issued Executive Order No. 2020-28, which authorized the limited reopening of the following types of retail establishments:
The Governor’s order limits the maximum occupancy of any such business to the lesser of 5 people per 1,000 square feet or 20% of the establishment’s fire rated capacity. The following types of businesses were unaffected by the Governor’s order and must remain closed for the time being: restaurants and bars; entertainment venues and facilities; recreational and athletic facilities and activities; and close contact service providers. More Information: View Executive Order No. 2020-28 South Carolina Schools Closed for the Remainder of the Academic Year On April 22nd, Governor Henry McMaster and State Superintendent of Education Molly Spearman announced that all public schools in the state of South Carolina would remain closed for the remainder of the academic year. During a press conference on Wednesday morning, the Governor stated that he will issue an executive order next week detailing a plan to keep schools closed. Parents with children who attend private schools should contact those schools directly for more information about their operational plans for the remainder of the school year. Seabrook Island Town Hall Closed As a reminder, Town Hall remains closed and members of town staff are working remotely to provide “virtual services” to residents and business owners. For assistance during normal operating hours (Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm), please contact us by phone at (843) 768-9121 or by email at [email protected]. The town’s Code Enforcement Officers and Beach Patrol will remain active on the island as long as it is safe for them to do so. All public meetings have been cancelled through April 30th, with the exception of emergency meetings. Protect Yourself and Others To minimize the risk of exposure and to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the CDC recommends that individuals take the following precautions:
More Information For general questions about COVID-19, please contact the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) Care Line at (855) 472-3432. Staff will be available to answer calls from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm seven days a week. For the most reliable information about COVID-19, including what to do if you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms, residents are strongly encouraged to visit official resources, including the SCDHEC and CDC websites. Official updates from the Town of Seabrook Island will continue to be posted on the following channels:
Property Owners with rental guests should forward this notice to their rental guests. April 7, 2020 – 8:00 pm
Statewide “Stay at Home or Work Order” Now in Effect Governor Henry McMaster’s “Stay at Home or Work Order,” which was issued on Monday, April 6, 2020, went into effect at 5:00 pm today. The order requires that all South Carolinians must remain at home or work unless participating in one of the following “Essential Activities”:
On Tuesday, April 7th, Mayor John Gregg issued Executive Order No. 2020-04, which applied the requirements of the Governor’s statewide order to residents and visitors within the town. The Mayor’s order also authorizes the town’s Code Enforcement Officers to issue citations for alleged violations and to work with state and local law enforcement to ensure compliance with the order. More Information: View Governor’s Executive Order No. 2020-21 | View Mayor’s Executive Order No. 2020-04 Beach Status Town Hall has received several phone calls and emails over the last 24 hours seeking clarification as to whether the Governor’s “Stay at Home or Work Order” prohibits people from using the beach. On March 30th, Governor McMaster issued Executive Order No. 2020-16, which ordered the immediate closure of all public beach access points in the state for the duration of the State of Emergency. Because the beach access points within the Town of Seabrook Island are privately owned, they were not affected by the Governor’s executive order. To date, the Governor has not closed the state’s beaches or any private beach access points. As stated above, the Governor’s “Stay at Home or Work Order” provides an exception for “outdoor exercise or recreational activities.” The Governor’s order does not define what is considered “exercise” or a “recreational activity.” Therefore, it is our understanding that individuals may continue to use the beach for typical activities such as walking, running, and riding a bike, as well as sitting or lying on the beach. Users of the beach must continue to practice “social distancing” while on the beach, and groups of more than 10 individuals shall remain prohibited at all times. Occupancy Restrictions for Retail Stores The Governor’s Executive Order No. 2020-21 requires “essential” retail stores to limit occupancy to the lesser of 5 customers for each 1,000 square feet of retail space, or 20 percent of their maximum fire rated capacity. As of this afternoon, the Harris Teeter at Freshfields has begun restricting capacity within its store to no more than 70 people at a time. Once the store has reached this capacity, shoppers will be required to line up outside and will not be allowed inside until other shoppers have left the store. In an effort to serve as many families as possible, it is recommended that shopping trips be limited to only one shopper per household. Seabrook Island Town Hall Closed As a reminder, Town Hall remains closed and members of town staff are working remotely to provide “virtual services” to residents and business owners. For assistance during normal operating hours (Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm), please contact us by phone at (843) 768-9121 or by email at [email protected]. The town’s Code Enforcement Officers and Beach Patrol will remain active on the island as long as it is safe for them to do so. All public meetings have been cancelled through April 30th, with the exception of emergency meetings. Protect Yourself and Others To minimize the risk of exposure and to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the CDC recommends that individuals take the following precautions:
More Information For general questions about COVID-19, please contact the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) Care Line at (855) 472-3432. Staff will be available to answer calls from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm seven days a week. For the most reliable information about COVID-19, including what to do if you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms, residents are strongly encouraged to visit official resources, including the SCDHEC and CDC websites. Official updates from the Town of Seabrook Island will continue to be posted on the following channels:
Property Owners with rental guests should forward this notice to their rental guests. |
September 2024